NDIS Disability Housing

Disability housing by Ethical Property Investments allows our clients to work with one of the leading Specialist Disability Accommodation providers in the country. Using our ‘done for you’ approach, we create sustainable, impactful investment opportunities across Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide, and Perth.

A Need For Disability Housing

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is housing that is designed specifically to meet the needs of people with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs. Purpose-built disability housing services are a growing market segment. When combined with the SDA commonwealth funding payment model, SDA housing investments provide lucrative rental yields, much higher than what is attainable in standard residential or commercial properties. SDA payments are made under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) program, to eligible participants to enable them to pay for accommodation in SDA housing. Over the next 2 decades of ownership, the SDA Commonwealth funding model could pay between $1,200,000 – $2,000,000.00 (factoring in CPI increases of 2.5% every year) to investors of these purpose-built properties.

Government Funding for Disability Housing

The Australian Federal Government, working through NDIS, has committed $700m p.a. In funding towards Specialist Disability Accommodation for the next 20 years, providing an ultra-high yield investment opportunity for ethical property investors looking for more than just great income. Realize up to 13.7% NET rental income! For over two years, our team of disability housing professionals has been spending a considerable amount of time building and tenanting properties specifically for people with disabilities. Our partnership with Australia’s largest SDA provider – Empowered Liveability, allows us to build and tenant our homes, overcoming tenancy barriers to ensure our tenants receive immediate rental yields from their property.

Benefits of investing in SDA and NDIS accommodation include:

We believe we are at the forefront of the NDIS SDA rollout and encourage you to investigate this most worthy of property investments, with significant upside for not only yourself but our community.

In consultation with the heads of SDA division within the NDIS directly, our disability accommodation partners have been tagged as both the current and ongoing top 10 disability housing providers in the country.

What is the NDIS/SDA?

We are sure in recent times you have heard a great deal about NDIS, especially the under-usage of the funds allocated. The National Disability Insurance Scheme is a Federal Act developed in 2013 to allow people with a disability to exercise choice and control about matters that affect them- such as their housing. ‘SDA’ (Specialist Disability Accommodation) refers to accommodation for people who require specialist housing solutions – not readily available in the traditional Australian rental market. The Federal Government via the NDIS SDA program has committed $700,000,000.00 annually for the next 20 years through directing substantial ‘rental assistance’ to generously compensate ‘SDA investors’ who specifically invest in compliant homes to drastically increase suitable housing supply. Only 6% of people on the NDIS will qualify for the SDA. They must go through a stringent checklist to qualify to be able to have SDA on their package.

Disability housing in Melbourne challenges

There is SIGNIFICANT amount of ‘red tape’ that must be gone through before both the landlord and tenant are matched up. By no means is this an easy process. Luckily, we have partnered up with one of the leading SDA providers in the country to make it happen. Empowered Liveability is making tracks in regards to working closely with these people, going to extreme lengths such as re-educating staff from the NDIS and even creating its own support co-ordination arm in order to work with people for fast tracking their SDA.

Get in Touch

Find out how you could generate $800-$1400 per week through our Ethical Investment Properties using our unique tenancy model.
